Terms & Conditions

The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.

I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the YMCA, which are designed for the enjoyment of all its members. The protection of members and guests is of paramount concern to the YMCA. We reserve the right to deny access of membership to any person whose behavior is determined to be in conflict with the welfare and safety of other members and/or staff. This includes a person who is a registered sexual offender; has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse; or a crime against another person such as a child, spousal or parental abuse. It will also include any offense related to the sale or transportation of illegal, habit forming or dangerous drugs; is presently clearly under the influence of intoxication beverages or behavior modifying drugs. This code does not permit language or any action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below generally accepted standard of conduct. This includes inappropriate attire, angry or vulgar language, physical contact with another person in any angry or threatening way, any demonstration of sexual contact or activity, harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any other menacing behavior, theft or behavior resulting in destruction of property. Parents are held responsible for the behavior of their children.

Informed Consent/Liability Waiver Agreement

I/We, the undersigned, realize that there may be medical risks associated with physical exercise, the use of this facility, or use of equipment within the facility. I/We also recognize that the YMCA cannot evaluate my/our physical abilities and medical limitations as they pertain to participation in programs, to use facilities, or use equipment within the facility. I/WE THEREFORE ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HAVING A THOROUGH MEDICAL EXAMINATION PERFORMED, BY A MEDICAL PRACTIONER OF MY/OUR CHOICE BEFORE PARTICIPATING IN ANY PROGRAMS AND PRIOR TO USING THE FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT WITHIN YMCA FACILITIES.

Furthermore, in consideration of my/our participation in the activities of the YMCA and its respective officer, employees and members, including but not limited to its or their own negligence, and do herby for myself/ourselves, heirs, executors and administrators, waive, release, and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damages which I/We may have or which may hereafter accrue to me arising out of or connected with my participation in any activities of the YMCA, use of its facilities, or use of equipment within its facilities; provided, however, that the hold harmless agreement, and waiver, release and discharge contained in this paragraph shall not apply to my/our participation in any of YMCA’s childcare services.

By participating in the Nationwide Membership Program, I agree to release the National Council of YMCAs of the United States of America, and its independent autonomous member associations in the United States and Puerto Rico, from claims of negligence for bodily injury or death in connection with the use of YMCA facilities, and from any liability for other claims, including loss of property, to the fullest extent of the law.

Parental Consent for use of Fitness Center by Teens

Children 12 years and under of age are not permitted in the Fitness Center for their safety. Teens 13 – 15 years of age must have a signed parental consent form and be accompanied by PARENT to use the Fitness Center. Teens 16 – 18 years of age must have a parental consent, however can use the Fitness Center on their own. As a parent I will discuss the importance of respecting other members and caring for the equipment. I take full responsibility for my children and their actions as they relate to the use of the Fitness Center. I take full responsibility for any damage that occurs because of my children(s) actions.

Photo Release

I consent to the taking and use of still photography and/or motion pictures of me or my family for use of magazines, television, newspapers, etc. and to the non-commercial use of such photographs or motion pictures. I understand that the YMCA has no control over and is not responsible for the content in such publications or broadcasts.

I hereby waive payment or royalties for the exhibition or showing of photographs or motion pictures and/or the use of information provided by me. The YMCA will post signs when professional photographers or TV crews are on site so members have the option to avoid their images being utilized.